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Most wickets for Leigh Ladies

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Innings Wickets
1 Shaf Philpot 144 117 98
2 Lauren Keen 115 99 86
3 Danielle Parfett 175 109 72
4 Charlotte Brill 115 97 71
5 Freya Scott-Brown 169 105 64
6 Amy Stolton 67 56 60
7 Janet Jackson 88 64 42
8 Dayle Hayward 59 52 31
9 Lin Jenkins 107 45 30
= Jessica Pennell 86 57 30
11 Maggie Keeley 31 29 25
12 Amie Armitage 63 38 21
13 Jodie Williams 17 14 14
= Sophie Satterley 24 20 14
15 Jemma Flint 34 18 13
16 Holly Walker 31 24 12
17 Sarah Williams 12 6 9
= Natalie Cochrane 11 9 9
19 Rebecca Saunders 14 11 8
20 Natalie 7 3 6
21 Kirsty 5 3 5
= Saffron Davis 12 6 5
= Libby Saunders 14 9 5
24 Roberta 4 4 4
25 Gale 1 1 3
= Amy 3 3 3
27 Katie 2 2 2
= Shafia Philpot 3 2 2
= Iona Todd 6 3 2
= Amy Crampton 8 5 2
= Nicola Singleton 10 7 2
32 Lynne 1 1 1
= Megan 1 1 1
= Helen Rance 6 1 1
= Milli Sales 6 1 1
= Sarah Kingsland 11 1 1
= Cara Smith 2 2 1
= Lauren 2 2 1
= Georgia 2 2 1
= Jess 3 2 1
= Nicola Norris 3 3 1
= Lauren Webb 4 3 1
= Nina Phelps 18 4 1
= Claire Davis 35 4 1